Bridge Cranes

Have your Lifting Devices inspected by the professionals!

Our Inspection Checks, Engineering Reports and Annual Inspection Decals assure Ministry of Labour Officials that you are doing your part to keep workers safe.


Bridge Crane Inspections

Bridge Crane

Jib Crane Inspections

Jib Crane Jib Crane

Gantry Crane / Monorail Inspections

Gantry Gantry Monorail Monorail

Spreader Beams

Fork Lift Boom Natural Gas Reg

Rigging Inspections

Boat Slings Boat Slings

We come to your site

We save your time

We save your fuel

We keep you productive

No more Downtime!

The Crane Tech Inspection Advantage

  • Up to Date Information
  • OHSA Compliant
  • Checklists are for the device inspected (easy to read)
  • Annual Inspection Decals quickly identify inspected equipment
  • MOL recognizes that you comply

Call for a quote today!
