Our Hoist Expertise Comes In Handy Again!

Our hoist expertise comes in handy again! Recently, we were asked to give our opinion on a 30,000lbs large 4 post hoist. How long will it last? What is the current condition? What about updating this unit to extend lifespan? We were able to provide our customer with more information, recommended a few additions and […]

Best in the Business

Crane Tech Services is the best in the business. Here’s why: Our owner Dave recently had a conversation with a supervisor at an airline operation. He mentioned the same thing that we hear from people everywhere. Many companies that offer inspection services simply don’t show up. Not only do we do annual inspections on all […]

Hoist Repairs and Inspections

Crane Tech Services of Barrie, Ontario offers repairs on and off site, and can repair our customers hoists immediately. “Production is down! We need a one ton chain hoist fast!” In a lot of cases, chain hoists can be repaired on site, but most often they need to be removed from service for the repair. […]

Automotive Hoists

Have you heard that Crane Tech Services inspects and repairs all types of Automotive Hoists!? Auto mechanics are the heroes we trust to keep our cars and trucks operating properly. Crane Tech Services helps to support mechanics by inspecting and repairing Automotive Hoists that lift these vehicles. There are actually so many types of Automotive […]