Motor Rewinding & Servicing Cranes

Motor Rewinding & Servicing Cranes
As I tell people when servicing industrial cranes, always use the push buttons to control the load properly. Safely moving the load is the most important priority of the operator. But motors like to be under a constant load and constant speed. So, if you think about it the stop and start aspects of a crane can wear a motor out. Many crane motors last a long, long time. The better built cranes like the Demag brand of crane last a very long time. But when you have a service issue requiring motor rewinding, use Crane Tech to service your crane. We have successfully changed dozens of motors requiring rewinding. Rewinding of a motor is needed when a motors windings have shorted out or the armature is rubbing on the stator. Bearings must be changed – armatures checked for bending and testing prior to re-installation of the motor. At crane tech we have had dozens of successful motor rewinds. A crane motor is just like any other industrial motor – rewinding these motors is more economical as compared to a purchased motor and is definitely a quicker turnaround. At Crane Tech we save you money. Using Crane Tech keeps your workers safe. So if you are in Flesherton, Durham, Hanover, or Walkerton give us a call. We inspect cranes, auto hoists, elevating lift platforms, bridge cranes, racking to name but a few. Remember that the Crane Tech Inspection team can conveniently inspect all of your lifting equipment at the same time. One call for all of your lifting equipment! Crane Tech inspects and maintains your Hoist Lifting Equipment. Call us at 705-734-0012. See us on Instagram. On the web We know your equipment best!