Motor Rewinding & Servicing Cranes

As I tell people when servicing industrial cranes, always use the push buttons to control the load properly. Safely moving the load is the most important priority of the operator. But motors like to be under a constant load and constant speed. So, if you think about it the stop and start aspects of a […]

Is Your Company Seeking To Be COR Certified?

Is your company seeking to be COR certified? Call Crane Tech. We have helped many companies achieve COR certification by handling any inspections required. COR auditors realize our techs are knowledgeable and competent with all equipment that needs a safety inspection. COR stands for Certificate of Recognition (a safety standard – often associated with IHSA […]

The Importance of Battery Maintenance

Unexpected cold weather brings on challenges for the batteries of the Scissor Lift or Zoom Boom that you rely on each day, which brings the importance of battery maintenance to the forefront. Scissor lifts and Zoom Booms use lead acid due to cost and good performance. It also weighs more and helps balance the machine. […]

Our Crane Safety Program

Recently our crane safety program was submitted as a hazard assessment example to the Ministry Of Labour (MOL). By proving that one of our long standing customers in the Barrie area and Crane Tech went above and beyond to train workers. This company received a healthy discount on worker compensation fees because of the work […]

Our Engineering Report Writing Services

Our engineering report writing services have developed into very skilled asset that we use with inspections. This is why sand, gravel, quarries pit operations around Ontario are hiring us to write useful and relevant safety inspection reports. A quarry is the term commonly used to describe an operation of digging for products above the ground. […]

Do you have a bridge crane drive problem?

There is a lot to consider when looking at a bridge crane drive problem. We look at the location of the drive wheels for starters and if they are pulling the crane or pushing the crane. Pulling a load is easier for the drives than pushing the load. Did you know that when a bridge […]